World Plumbing Day – 11 March 2021
Each year on 11 March we celebrate World Plumbing Day. Sadly, this year’s celebrations will be very limited because of the pandemic, but it won’t be totally forgotten.
World Plumbing Day was the brainchild of Past Master Robert Burgon in 2010 during his year as Chairman of the World Plumbing Council (WPC). Traditionally, the Plumbers’ Company celebrates it with the annual award of its bursaries to the successful apprentices in front of our Apprentice Statue at Cannon Street Station, but that of course has also had to be cancelled for this year.
The 2018 Bursary Awards in Robert Burgon’s year as Master Plumber. Robert is standing on the right and Kevin Wellman is third from the left.
This year Robert will be participating in a Zoom celebration of the Day with the Canadian Institute of Plumbing and Heating and the Mechanical Contractors’ Association of Alberta in a link to Calgary at 5pm UK time on Thursday (10am Calgary time).
You can go to the WPC World Plumbing Day website page to see the previous years’ activities and there is a good article for 2021 on the InstallerMagazine online page, with some fine words from Liveryman Kevin Wellman, CEO of CIPHE and a member of the WPC too.