Women in the Livery (WIL)
The Women in the Livery (WIL) team is a determined group of members leading a drive to improve the gender balance and increase diversity in the Company, and across the Livery.
We have come a long way, still, we have further to go:
We need you!
The WIL team members are a lively bunch, full of enthusiasm and brimming with ideas, however, we need a bigger critical mass of members, and for that we need you, regardless of your gender.
Members of the Company are our best ambassadors. Look at your circle of friends and make a positive effort to introduce diversity, with an emphasis on women, to the joys and benefits of being a member of the Livery.
WIL can help:
- We know fun and energetic speakers for events
- We can equip you with an elevator pitch and PowerPoint slides to promote membership at an event
We should aspire to better reflect our society, and enhance the internal culture and external perception of the Company. The more women who join, the more we can do, and the better for the whole Company.
See our recent NEWS, using the filter “Women in the Livery (WIL)”, such as how we raised awareness and celebrated International Women’s Day on 8th March 2023.
Who should I contact?
Whether you are interested in joining the Company and would like more information, or are already a member and would like to discuss a recruitment idea, please contact me, Sandra Raine, in the first instance. WIL will consider all ideas.
Sandra Raine
Renter Warden
07713 740750
On behalf of the WIL team (Barbara Cooper, Kate Fuller, Elise Maynard, Sandra Raine, Janet Rivers, Sarah Oliver and Julie Spinks)