Women in the Livery make a stand!
The Women in the Livery team (WIL) were delighted to support the Company by helping to staff the Worshipful Company of Plumbers’ (WCoP) stand at the Installer Show held on 27th – 29th June 2023 at the NEC Birmingham.

Members of the Livery – Sarah Oliver, Janet Rivers, Sandra Raine, and Julie Spinks, all took to the stand with humour and dedication. They were ably joined by Kevin McCallister, John Davies, and Renter Warden Charles Brooks.

The exhibition was attended by a wide cross-section of individuals and organisations from across the water, plumbing, and heating industry. The show attracts thousands of visitors, and creates a huge ‘buzz’, with key players in the industry present, so it is ‘the’ place to be to meet them. Many students and plumbing teachers also attend.
This was the first time that WCoP has had a stand of its own, organised courtesy of Liveryman Richard Soper. We have previously only had limited literature on the Chartered Institute Of Plumbing and Heating Engineering’s (CIPHE) stand.
Having a staffed stand provides a great opportunity for us to meet the public face-to-face and explain what our Company is, what it does, and the opportunities on offer.
We were able to promote our bursary scheme, sponsored by Monument Tools, and the WCoP Certificate of Excellence and of course Individual and Corporate membership. It was also a great opportunity to introduce the new Plumbing Professionals Development Scheme, which the Company is launching in collaboration with CIPHE.
Master Paul Nash attended the stand to present awards to students, and the Company Officers all took a hand in helping. This was the Company at its best: fellowship, co-operation, and voluntary effort combining for the good of all.
Everyone was grateful to Liveryman Jason Clark who organised and donated filming of the event through Flexible Films video production. Video clips will be available soon, and these will greatly assist all members in promoting the Company and our award schemes.

Julie Spinks, who becomes the Chairman of the Educational and Technical Committee in September, said:
‘The Installer Show really exceeded my expectations. Our hardworking volunteers spoke to a wide range of people, from diverse backgrounds, from apprentices and lecturers keen to learn more about the bursaries, and new Plumbing Professionals Development Scheme, to individuals and companies keen to explore membership. It was also great to see diversity reflected in our volunteers.”
Sandra Raine
Senior Court Assistant