Visit to RHS Wisley

Company News

In glorious June sunshine, we enjoyed a splendid day at the beautiful Royal Horticultural Society Gardens at Wisley, Surrey.


Everyone arrived for coffee and pastries in the morning before a gentle stroll up the hill to the new Hilltop Science Building.

We split into two groups with one having a guided tour of the indoor facilities and the other a tour of the science gardens. The academic, investigative and development work being undertaken here is making a huge contribution to the

world’s bio-diversity and sustainability, as well as putting on show some stunning flora in beautiful settings. If you haven’t been to an RHS garden, make sure you add it to your list of things to do. You won’t be disappointed!

The ‘organised’ part of the day ended with a delicious lunch, after which we were free to wander round at will and enjoy the displays.

And I must finish this item with a great picture of a rather dapper Past Master John Rae and of course a picture of our planter, which we presented to the RHS in 2018:


Made by our splendid volunteers at the Plumbers’ Museum Workshop Trust at Amberley, we will all get an opportunity to visit them as part of the 2023 visit programme. The Master can seen on the right of the picture, with one of the Trust Directors, Past Master John Lockyer, on the left.