Visit to Providence Row

Charity News

On 30th August, Carol Joseph and Janet Rivers, trustees of The Plumbers Charity, visited Providence Row, the charity for homelessness. Established in 1860, it is situated in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets, which provides around 33% of its funding. Each November, the collection from the Plumbers’ Ladle Dinner is donated to this charity.

L-R: Janet Rivers & Carol Joseph in the rooftop garden

It was inspiring and humbling to hear of Providence Row’s work.

Homeless and rough sleeper clients, once referred to the charity, are assessed for support and management of a range of complex social, psychological and health needs. Nutritious food and drinks are offered daily to those affected.

The charity is able to provide up to 13 different services that include advice on housing, education and training, immigration and legal aid (with support from several partner organisations) drug and/or alcohol dependency, as well as outreach psychotherapy support services that link in with the client base at Providence Row.

Around 1,500 people affected by homelessness were supported at Providence Row in 2022/23. Of those, 15-20% of them were female and approximately 15% of the clients currently come from the City of London.

Of special note, is the rooftop garden that is run by volunteers and homeless clients who help to grow a wide range of fruits and vegetables used in meals prepared in the charity’s kitchens. Clients benefit enormously from getting involved in growing their own food, and seeing the process of “farm to table” work for them.

A new feature this year, is the establishment of an in-house medical centre that will provide vaccinations, minor treatments and nurse assessments for the clients. It has two consulting rooms and a large welcoming reception area.

Providence Row is a safe space for homeless people and rough sleepers in the east end of London, and provides food, warmth and access to advice and support. We are proud to support them in this challenging and important work.

Carol Joseph and Janet Rivers