Virtual Lecture – Why Water Efficiency Matters

Company News Industry News

The Plumbers have held their first virtual lecture. A portent of things to come?

On Thursday 28 October 2020 the Plumbers held their first on-line lecture, expertly hosted by the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE), whose Membership Director, Tim Sainty, provided an excellent on-line facility for us. We would also like to thank all our corporate members who sponsored the event.  You can follow a full recording of the lecture by clicking on the image below:

Water efficiency is a subject well known to us all and with CIPHE support over 400 people from around the globe logged-in to watch the lecture. Following an introduction from Richard Soper, the Chairman of our Technical & Education Committee, Liveryman Julie Spinks, the Managing Director of the Water Regulations Advisory Service (WRAS), opened the lecture by outlining the main impact and effects of water wastage; if you add up the cumulative effect of all the leaks, dripping taps etc, the carbon footprint of this is enormous. She also explained that only 0.3% of all the water in the world is available for us to use and there is not enough to go round at the moment, let alone in the future.

Yvonne Orgill, the Managing Director at Unified Water Label, then followed with some thoughts and views on how we could improve water efficiency.

The importance of water is summed up in these quotes from the UN and WHO:

We are all familiar with the energy efficiency labels required on gas and electric products. Yvonne is promoting an energy efficiency Unified Water Label for all water products and other measures to reduce waste:

The importance of legislation and registration, a matter dear to our hearts, was emphasised through an on-line survey of those participating and generated a large number of questions for the Q&A session at the end; too many in fact for them all to be answered.

A very successful on-line first and we will be looking at more to follow. Keep an eye open on the website.