Virtual Autumn Lecture – Water Efficiency into the Future

Company News

All Liverymen and members are invited to join the first ever Worshipful Company of Plumbers Autumn Lecture to be held via Zoom webinar and kindly hosted by the CIPHE on Wednesday 28 October 2020 from 18.00 – 19.15.


Liveryman Julie Spinks, Managing Director – Water Regulations Advisory Scheme

Yvonne Orgill, Managing Director – Unified Water Label

Use less water or waste less water? Net-zero carbon targets dominate the
agenda whilst the use of water, a finite resource, still does not command public
and legislative attention required. Julie and Yvonne will each speak on the
current position, the actions already underway and future strategies for water
efficiency. Then there will be about 30 minutes available for questions and
discussion, moderated by Court Assistant Richard Soper (Chairman of the
Education and Technical Committee).

To attend this free event, please click onto the link below to register in advance:

I hope to see you for what promises to be a fascinating and significant Zoom

Adrian Mumford