The Installation of Master Charles Brooks

Recent events

On 16th October, the Plumbers’ Company enjoyed a jubilant occasion as Liverymen and their guests witnessed Charles Brooks being installed as Master for the ensuing year at St Magnus-the-Martyr Church, followed by lunch at Vintners’ Hall. See the new line-up of the Court and Officers.

The Court assembled in the morning at Vintners’ Hall, and whilst the Hall was being prepared for lunch, part of the business was to cloth new Liveryman Jeffrey Gooch.

Liveryman Jeffrey Gooch being congratulated by Court Assistant Julie Spinks

Part of the WIL team, Julie Spinks is the newest Court Assistant and was attending her first Court meeting. Julie comes to the Court with many years of experience working in the water industry, and is a founding director of WaterSafe.

The Court also presented a Military award to LET Jason Thompson, accompanied by escorting officer, Lt Dylan Young.

L-R: LET Jason Thompson & Lt Dylan Young

The Court then processed to St Magnus-the-Martyr, our Company Church, for the Installation Ceremony of our new Master and Wardens. Having the Ceremony in public, in church, is a relatively new process dating back a decade, whereas previously, the Installation was conducted behind closed doors.

L-R: Clerk Adrian Mumford congratulating new Master Charles Brooks, Upper Warden Sandra Raine, & Renter Warden Janet Rivers

The new Master also invested David Adams as Immediate Past Master.

L-R: IPM David Adams & Master Charles Brooks, overseen by Beadle Peter Thompson

The Installation Service was overseen by our Company Chaplain, Fr Philip Warner, the Cardinal Rector at St Magnus-the-Martyr, who gave a lively address to the congregation, accompanied by hymns and readings that were fiery and challenging.

Fr Philip Warner

After the service, the Court processed back to Vinters’ Hall, along Upper Thames Street: a wonderful display of pageantry juxtaposed with the everyday hustle and bustle of the City of London.

Back at the Hall, the new Master and Wardens assembled into a receiving line at the top of the stairs to receive guests into a Champagne reception in the Drawing Room. The Master joked later in his speech about the watery triad of Brooks, Raine, and Rivers!

L-R: Upper Warden Sandra Raine, Master Charles Brooks, & Renter Warden Janet Rivers

At the Reception, outgoing Mistress Plumber, Kathy Adams, welcomed the new Mistress Plumber, Penny Brooks, who in turn thanked Kathy for her work duing the past year.

Lunch was held in the impressive Livery Hall, built in 1671, and saw 115 diners enjoy 3 courses.

Vintners’ Hall

After lunch, the Master welcomed guests and talked on his theme of fellowship, encouraging committee membership and volunteering at the Plumbing Museum, and leadership in the plumbing industry and supporting youth with initiatives such as PPDS and through the military.

The Master also presented an Excellence Award to Eddie McCourt, and gave thanks to his wife Penny for being a huge support for 40 years.

Other annoucements included that the Company will be moving from Carpenters’ Hall to Painters’ Hall in the summer of 2025.

Master Charles Brooks

The Master ran though his events for the upcoming year, and annouced that the Annual Lecture will be on the “hot topic” of UK river water quality.

The Ladle Dinner will be held at Armourers’ Hall on Tuesday, 12th November, for members of the Livery to show their appreciation to the new Immediate Past Master for his service to the Company. (At the conclusion of that dinner, I will hand over to Kevin Thomas as Senior Steward.)

IPM David Adams

The event finished with IMP David Adams who gave a short speech toasting the new Master and Mistress.

The event could not have been a better tribute to our new Master’s theme of fellowship, with the warmth and friendliness of the Plumbers’ Company on full display.

Senior Steward Philippa Stary