The Horners’ Inter-Livery Golf Trophy

Company News

The Worshipful Company of Horners hosted the annual Horners’ Trophy, one of the highlights of the Livery Golf season, at Ashridge Golf Club in Buckinghamshire.  The Plumbers’ Golf Society entered two teams.

It was a damp day in June and the first outing for the Plumbers’ Golf Society in 2021 and the first main Livery competition of the year.

Plumbers’ Team One (L to R), Ian Palmer (Jane’s husband), Renter Warden and Team Captain Paul Nash, Past Steward Richard Harvey and Liveryman Jane Palmer


The conditions were far from ideal and this was reflected in the scoring. The winning team came in with 86 stableford points and the Plumbers’ teams managed 79 and 81 points respectively. We won the competition in 2018.

Past Master Mike Samuel and Liveryman Tony Peters (and with Liveryman Pete Griffin in the second picture). Team Two Captain was Liveryman David Hannam (who took the pictures!)


Although the weather may have been a little damp and cool, the hospitality of the Horners and the staff at the club could not have been warmer. We all enjoyed an excellent meal afterwards. Sadly, the COVID restrictions prevent the traditional prize giving, but we look forward to this returning shortly as lockdown eases.


                            The splendid Horners’ Golf Trophy