Summer Festival 2022
We enjoyed a lovely evening in the warm sunshine at Barber-Surgeons Hall for our Summer Festival this year.

Our Summer Festival is preceded by our July Court meeting at which we elect the Master and Wardens for the forthcoming year.
Our current Master, Nick Jones, in the middle of the picture on the left will hand over to Master Elect and current Upper Warden, Paul Nash, standing on his right. Renter Warden, David Adams, standing on his left will become the new Upper Warden. Senior Assistant Charles Brooks, in the picture on the right with his wife Penny, will become Renter Warden.
L to R: RW David Adams, Guest Speaker Jevan Nagarajah, the Master Nick Jones, Kala Jones, UW Paul Nash, Sue Nash and Clerk Adrian Mumford
All our guests were welcomed by Renter Warden David Adams and our guest speaker for the evening was Jevan Nagarajah, a young, entrepreneur and leader in revolutionising the production of the food we eat every day by producing dairy products through the laboratory and manufacture. This revolution, reducing the need for cows, will make a major contribution to sustainability using far less water and cutting methane in the atmosphere. Jevan spoke eloquently about the future of food, the challenges he has overcome and the road to success and sustainability.
After the meal, we were entertained by vocalist Lotte Betts-Dean and guitarist Dimitris Soukaras with some lovely Brazilian-themed music.
The food and the service provided by Barber-Surgeons was excellent and as always our gallant band of Stewards provided sterling support to Adrian, our Clerk, to ensure a successful evening. Thanks also to Debbie Abergil, our Financial Assistant, for her support as well, who stood in for Sharon Sibthorpe, our Clerk’s Assistant, who sadly was ill with Covid,
Her are a selection of some of the photographs from the evening, provided by Gerald Sharp. If you would like to see all the pictures and perhaps purchase some, please go to his website Gerald Sharp Photography: