Science and the City – Our Visit To The Science Museum

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The Plumbers enjoyed a fascinating visit to the two latest galleries in the Science Museum on Tuesday 17 September 2019 courtesy of our Master Dame Fiona Woolf, who is also one of its trustees.


The stunning entrance to the Winton Gallery

After an initial welcome by the Master and Curator Jane Desborough (and a coffee and pastry) we split into two groups to tour each of the galleries, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with an excellent finger buffet lunch in between.

Master Fiona hosted the Mathematics tour of the Winton Gallery,  the Science Museum’s bold and thought-provoking gallery, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects, which examines the fundamental role mathematicians, their tools and ideas have played in building the world we live in and reveals how mathematics connects to every aspect of our lives.

The Thames Barrier model




Jane Desborough hosted the tour of the Linbury Gallery, Science City 1550–1800, which unites 3 extraordinary collections: the Science Museum Group’s scientific instruments, the King George III collection from King’s College London, and objects and artworks lent by the Royal Society. Together these collections chart the birth of understanding through experimentation and precision measurement as London became a globally important hub of trade, exploration and scientific enquiry.

Our thanks to the Master and to Jane for a superb and fascinating day.