Report on the Summer Festival at Haberdashers’ Hall

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This year’s Summer Festival on 3rd July was hosted by the Master at Haberdashers’ Hall in Smithfield, and over 150 members and guests attended the black-tie dinner, the main summer event in the Company’s social calendar.

The Haberdashers’ Company is 8th in order of precedence. The company was originally responsible for the regulation of silk and velvet merchants, but began losing control over those trades as the population of London increased and spread outwards from the City after the Industrial Revolution. The company now serves as a significant educational and charitable institution, whilst maintaining links with its heritage by giving awards for fashion education. The hall was completed in 2002, and is the company’s 4th.

Earlier in the afternoon, the Court convened and 13 Liverymen were clothed at the meeting – a record for the company:

L-R: Adam Battersby, Kate Birchall, Troy Bowler, Nigel De Jong, Jeffrey Gooch, Chris Holland, Dominic Holland, Kim Howell, Philip Keeler, Trevor Meboroh–Collinson, Christopher Murphy, Andrew Murray, Stephen Thompson, Alexander Wilson

Afterwards, members and guests started to arrive and proceeded to the reception through a joint Guard of Honour from our military affiliations 23 Cadet Detachment (Royal Engineers) and No 1147 Sqn Air Cadets:

With the grey skies, the reception was held inbetween the cloisters and the courtyard:

Clerk Elect Debbie Abergil & Beadle Peter Thompson

Dinner was called in the Livery Hall, and the Master and the official party, including masters of other companies, processed into the room. The Master, David Adams, gave a short address in which he recognised the contribution to the company by Past Master John Rae who celebrated 50 years on the Court.

L-R: Past Master John Rae & Master David Adams

The Master then joined his own choir, the Buckland & Betchworth Choral Society, who gave a brief concert to enthusiastic applause.

Buckland & Betchworth Choral Society

Dinner followed Grace said by the Company Chaplin, Fr Philip Warner. We were served an excellent three-course meal with fine wines, and conversation leaned towards the imminent General Election, and during dinner, the Master introduced the newly clothed Liverymen.

Upper Warden Elect Sandra Raine

After the Loyal Toasts, Upper Warden Elect Sandra Raine, introduced and welcomed all our guests in a very witty speech, guests who included the speaker Sarah Mukherjee MBE, CEO of IEMA (Institute of Environmental Management & Assessment) from whom we heard a sparkling speech.

Sarah Mukherjee MBE

After dinner, many retired for a Stirrup Cup before leaving for home.

Steward Kevin Thomas