Plumbers’ Golf Society Spring Meeting at Wildernesse Golf Club
Our Spring Meeting today was attended by 15 Members and 6 Guests, and all enjoyed the improved weather being more sunshine than hailstones, after such a wet past few weeks!

The course is near Sevenoaks in Kent, and is a challenging treelined layout that regular hosts National and County golf tournaments:
The players, fortified by bacon rolls and coffee, set off in 3 balls and found the course to be in a very playable condition – especially the greens which were quick and the pin positions were a bit sneaky with some subtle breaks.
First group out were the pathfinders – Our Master and PGS Chairman Paul Nash, seen here flanked by his wingmen IPM Nick Jones and PGS Secretary David Hannam:
We were as always very well looked after by the team at Wildernesse and we enjoyed a splendid roast lamb lunch followed by crumble and ice cream.
The players with a little magic in their golf game today were:
Division 1 – Tony Peters – Winner/Richard Harvey – Runner up
Division 2 – Tony Goodhead – Winner/Luke Peters – Runner up
Division 3 – Charles Brooks – Winner/Kevin Thomas – Runner Up
Nearest The Pins: Peter Griffin, Jane Palmer, Graham Setterfield and David Hannam.
Great to see everyone, and we already looking forward to our main PGS event at New Zealand Golf Club in July.
David Hannam
Plumbers’ Golf Society