Plumbers’ Annual Golf Day 2022
The Plumbers’ Golf Society (PGS) Annual Golf Day was held at the end of July at the renowned New Zealand Golf Course in Surrey.

Thirty-two golfers took part, including PGS members’ guests, and teams from the Tallow Chandlers’ and Fuellers’ Companies.
With bacon rolls to sustain us before we teed off, we enjoyed a beautiful day’s golf in warm sunshine on this lovely course.
This year’s Plumbers Champion was Master Elect and PGS Chairman Paul Nash who carded and excellent 40 stableford points, and who duly had his handicap cut! You can see him receiving his trophy, “The Plumbers’ Ladle” from the current Master, Nick Jones, in the main picture.
The runner-up was PGS Secretary, David Hannam:
The guest cup was won by David’s guest, Nick Ware:
And the longest drive was won by Ian Palmer (below), who out drove his wife, Liveryman Jane Palmer, to steal the prize! Oops!
We have been holding our Annual Golf Day at New Zealand for 15 years now and as ever the hospitality was superb. Following a splendid 4-course lunch (below), those who were up for it, went out again for some social golf (actually it’s all very social as far as the Plumbers are concerned!) and afternoon tea.
Our thanks to the Club and its staff for looking after us so well, and to PGS secretary David Hannam, and PGS treasurer Tony Peters, without whom we couldn’t enjoy such fabulous days-out.
We return next year on 27 July 2023 – make sure it’s in your diary!