Past Steward Tom Thackeray RP
It is with much sadness we have to announce the death of Past Steward Tom Thackeray, who passed away in hospital on 26 October 2021 at the age of 87 years after a year of failing health. Tom was a member of the Livery for 30 years and was appointed as a Steward in 2003. Both he and his wife Pat, who passed away last year, were great supporters of the company.

Tom began his plumbing career in the early 1950’s as an apprentice at his father’s small family plumbing business working around Paddington. He married Pat in the 1960’s and they moved to Kenton a few years later to raise their family of three children, Emma, Mark and Neil. Neil also became a Liveryman of the Plumbers’ company. Tom was a member of the CIPHE and was heavily involved in the North West London Branch, where he sat on a number of committees helping to raise funds and run events and was the branch chairman from 1997 to 1997.
Tom (far right) at the CIPHE AGM in 2004 with (LtoR) Steward Mike Horwood, Brenda Horwood, Pat, Steward John Carnaby and Linda Carnaby.
He joined the Worshipful Company of Plumbers in 1991 and served 7 years as a Steward from 2003, helping to run its events. He served as Senior Steward for Rodney Cartwright when he stood as Master in 2009. He can be seen below with Rodney and Anna Cartwright and fellow stewards at the Master’s lunch on 1 July 2009.
LtoR: Tom Thackeray, Michael Horwood, Anna Cartwright, Rodney Cartwright, Peter Brown, Michael Cooper and John Carnaby.
The CIPHE London Branch float at the 1999 Lord Mayor’s Show, supported by the Worshipful Company of Plumbers. Tom is on the far right, appropriately dressed in a boiler suit!
Tom and John Carnaby at the consecration of the St Magnus bells in 2009.
Tom and his wife Pat were popular and well liked supporters of the company attending many events together before failing health prevented them from joining in. As well as his 3 children, Tom leaves behind 6 grand children and 2 great grand children. We send our thoughts and condolences to them all.
His funeral will be held at 1145hr on Friday 19 November 2021 at St. Faiths Crematorium, Norwich NR10 3LF.