Past Mistress Dr Mary Caroe
It is with great sadness that we have learnt of the death of Past Mistress Dr Mary Caroe who has succumbed to the coronavirus outbreak. Mary was the widow of Past Master Martin Caroe, who was Master in 1985/86 and was a great supporter of the Company for many years.

We particularly enjoyed seeing her in later years at the annual Carol Service in St Magnus and we know how much she enjoyed the yearly Past Consorts’ lunches held alongside the Liverymen’s Ladle Dinners.
Many members will know that the Caroe family has a very long association with the Company. Martin’s father was Master in 1951/52 and his grandfather served as Master for three years from 1905 to 1908 and then for seven years throughout WW1 from 1913 to 1920.
Our thoughts are with her daughter Liveryman Rebecca Caroe and all the Caroe family at this sad time.
Thursday 16 March: We have just received the following message from Rebecca:
“Mary was buried at Hambledon Church on Easter Sunday. The day before, we brought her home for a final garden walk and an overnight stay at Vann. It is our intention to have a memorial gathering when group meetings are allowed in the future. For now, we would love you to share your memories of Mary on this website Please write, share photos and join us in creating a memorial to her wonderful life. Here’s a link to view Paul Clarke’s photos of her last garden walk [password vannreturn] and a video of the procession with love to you all, Rebecca, Oliver, Ruth, Emily.”