Past Master Geoff Marsh MBE
We recognise 40 years service on the Court

The Master, Wardens, Past Masters, Court Assistants and guests recognised the forty year’s service as a Court member of Past Master Geoff Marsh at a luncheon in Tunbridge Wells. The Master presented Geoff with an illuminated parchment recognising his unstinting service to the Company. Geoff’s wife, Ann, was also duly recognised and thanked for all her support.
Geoff joined the Livery in 1967 and has completed 50 years as a Liveryman and 40 years on the Court. He trained as an apprentice plumber, became Technical Director of Marley Extrusions Ltd and introduced several patented products into the industry. He served as President of the CIPHE, chaired its General Council and is a Fellow of The Institute. Geoff was elected first Chairman of the World Plumbing Council and holds the Council’s distinguished service award. Within the industry he ran two trade associations, served on the Construction Liveries Group and the Water Regulations Advisory Committee.
One of his very important achievements was the introduction of the Master Plumber Certificate. and served as Chairman of its working group. He was our Master in 1986 and holds the St Michael Medallion, the Company’s highest honour.