Non Aldermanic Sheriff Candidates 2019
Chris Hayward and Erica Stary compete for the post of Non-Aldermanic Sheriff for 2019
Chris Hayward – a Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Pattenmakers, elected member and Committee Chairman at the City of London Corporation, and Non-Executive Director I bring a relevant and dynamic combination of Livery, City of London, Business and Charitable experience to stand as a candidate for the Shrievalty.
Erica Stary – a successful lawyer and judge, self-made by hard work and diligent application, committed, selfless and altruistic public and voluntary service, inspiring individuals as well as organisations. She is Past Master Plumber, Past Master Tax Adviser and Chairman of the Lady Masters Association 2017-19. She is a member of Coleman Street Ward, Cripplegate Ward and City Livery Clubs. She understands the City and the role of the Sheriff and declares that she will work loyally and selflessly to fulfill this role.
The election will take place on 24 June 2019 in the Guildhall.