No rise in quarterage
Despite the uncertainty of current times the Court has decided that the annual quarterage will not be increased.
In a covering letter to all members, the Master says:
“Dear Liverymen,
Quarterage for the year beginning 30th September 2020
I am writing to provide you with some background on our decision to keep the Quarterage for the year beginning 30th September 2020 at the same level as the previous year.
Since the commencement of the lockdown on 23rd March 2020 the Livery’s social programme has been suspended. I am delighted that we can look forward to a series of online events in the next few months. However, we still do not know when the traditional social programme will recommence. I really miss these glittering Livery events and I hope that we can restart them as soon as possible.
Furthermore we do not know fully how the Livery’s finances will be affected by these uncertain times. We have weathered the storm well up to now and objective is to ensure the continuation of a sound financial base within our Livery. This puts us in a good position to successfully navigate the challenging times that may well be ahead of us.
Taking into account the uncertain outlook in terms of the Livery’s social programme and the uncertain financial times ahead the Court took the decision that holding the Quarterage for the year beginning 30th September 2020 at the same level as the previous year balances out all the factors which have to be taken into account.
The long-term vitality of The Worshipful Company of Plumbers is our first priority. I hope that you endorse this, and I very much look forward to seeing you as soon as possible.
As I have previously said, we have existed for over 650 years and it is our duty as Liverymen to see that our Company will remain for a further 650 years.
Yours Sincerely
Full details of the 2020 quarterage rates can be read here