News from the Master #5

From the Master

The Master is pleased to bring you a photo-souvenir of activities in the spring and summer. He has been honoured to attend a great variety of social and City events on behalf of the Plumbers and hopes you will enjoy a taste of what keeps the Master on his toes at a busy time of the year in the Livery calendar!

Read the News from the Master #5

L-R at the Old Bailey: Clerk Adrian Mumford, Nick Wraight, Mistress Kathy Adams, Upper Warden Charles Brooks, Dame Susan Langley DBE (Alderwoman & Sheriff), Master David Adams, Renter Warden Sandra Raine, Ian Raine & Gary Langley
Meeting with delegates from CIPHE Hong Kong Branch, L-R: Mr YC Yiu, Chairman HK Branch, Kevin Wellman, the Master & Mr Derek Chan, Secretary HK Branch
Master & Mistress at the Bavarian Ball, Mansion House