New Liverymen’s Admission
At our First Installation Court meeting for 2 years, we admitted 5 new liverymen to the Plumbers on 20 October 2021, in addition to completing the ceremony for those who joined us during the lockdown.
Our new liverymen are, reading left to right in the main picture:
Benjamin Davis. Proposed by Liveryman Tony Peters, Ben is an installation and service manager for water utilities and building services.
Elaine Waggott. Proposed by her husband, Liveryman Jonathan Waggott, Elaine is the operations director for Angel Guard sterilised wash basins, a company she owns with her husband.
James Hendry. Proposed by Past Master Robert Burgon, James is a plumbing lecturer at Inverness College.
Richard Edwards. Proposed by Steward Damon Reynolds, Richard is a consultant paediatric and adult neurosurgeon.
David Cole. Proposed by the Immediate Past Master Dr Peter Rumley, David is the CEO and Principal Partner at Burfields House Wealth Management Ltd.
We are delighted to welcome these new members to the livery and look forward to enjoying their company at our forthcoming events and functions, and to learning and sharing the experience and knowledge they bring to the Plumbers.