Master and Wardens to Serve a Second Year

Company News

With the loss of half of this year’s Livery programme to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Court has agreed that the Master and Wardens, together with the Senior Assistant should continue in office for a second successive year.

Dr Peter Rumley, Nick Jones and Air Cdre Paul Nash were installed as Master, Upper Warden and Renter Warden respectively in October 2019 for the ensuing year, with David Adams serving as Senior Assistant. However, following the government lockdown which came into force on 23 March 2020 to combat the coronavirus outbreak, the bulk of this year’s Livery programme has had to be postponed or cancelled. This includes the Banquet, Lecture, Master and Clerks’ lunch, the Summer Festival, the Master’s Weekend and all the informal events and visits from that date.

The April Court meeting, which was held remotely via email, has agreed, with their consent, that they should remain in office for a second successive year to enable them to fully undertake and enjoy their terms of office. This will be formally ratified at the July Court meeting, our annual “Election Court”, which will also have to be held remotely. But it is hoped that we will be able to hold the Installation Day in person on Tuesday 13 October 2020 at St Magnus our Company Church and at Vintners’ Hall.  This will be confirmed as soon as possible, in the meanwhile please still keep the date clear in your diaries.

The last Master to serve consecutive years in office was Late-Sheriff Sir William Champness from 1943 – 45.

And you will have already seen that the current Lord Mayor and Sheriffs will also remain in office for a second year.