Make cost free donations to the Plumbers’ Charity

Charity News

UPDATE: AmazonSmile has ended as of February 2023.

Did you know you can donate to our Charity, whilst you shop online, at no expense to you!  I expect your online shopping has increased over the last few months, and many of you are probably using Amazon to fulfil your needs.

By making one small switch 0.5% of your qualifying spend will be donated by Amazon to our Charity at no cost to you. So how do you do it? Simple. Rather than shopping directly from, you simply start your purchase at

These children now have clean water and sanitation thanks to Village by Village, a charity your donations are supporting.


It is totally legitimate as it is Amazon, so don’t worry that you are shopping elsewhere.

What a brilliant way to support our charities such as:

· The Lord Mayor’s NHS Livery Kitchen Initiative – providing well needed meals to NHS staff

· Aquabox – who send emergency water filters to disaster zones

· Water Aid – who we help train plumbers to maintain new community water systems in Nepal

Here are easy to follow instructions on how to set up this amazing way of helping our charities. You can also read them below.

So, what are you waiting for? Get cracking spending and know that every purchase you make is going towards supporting the superb charities that we work with. And what’s more it’s Amazon donating to The Plumbers Charity.

For more information and regular updates on the Charities that we are currently supporting please go to our website charity page.



We have provided three different sets of instructions. Please read the summary below and go to the section that describes your current situation.

Instructions 1 – If you don’t have an Amazon account, these are the instructions on how to set one up

Instructions 2 – If you already have an Amazon account, these are the instructions on setting up AmazonSmile for the first time

Instructions 3 – If you are an existing AmazonSmile account holder, these are the instructions on how to change to The Plumbers Charity


The description on AmazonSmile for The Plumbers Charity is odd. We are not yet permitted to alter it but Amazon are working on enabling this for us


Instructions 1 – How to set up an Amazon account

  1. In the search bar type in and press return
  2. A list of websites will appear.
  3. From the list of websites, click on
  4. You will be taken into a new screen which will look something like the following:

  1. Move your cursor to the top of the screen and click on Hello, Sign in just to the right of the search bar:

The following should appear on your screen. This can be a bit tricky as it often disappears, it seems to be very sensitive to the position of the mouse. So just move it a little and the following should appear or reappear!


Just below Sign in, it says New Customer? Start here:


  1. Move your cursor onto Start here and click. You will be taken into the next screen (shown below) where you are guided through the Amazon account set up process:

  1. Enter your chosen details and you will then have an Amazon account. You can then proceed to Instructions 2.

Instructions 2 – For existing Amazon account holders – setting up AmazonSmile for the first time

  1. Type into the search bar
  2. Log into (exactly the same as the normal Amazon website but with SmileAmazon showing at left hand end of the top of the screen):


  1. Type in your Amazon account details
  2. When asked to select your charity, type The Plumbers Charity
  3. After this choice The Plumbers Charity will appear under the left-hand end of the search bar next to Supporting
  4. When you shop in the future always start at


Instructions 3 – Existing AmazonSmile account holder – change to The Plumbers Charity

  1. Go to and change to The Plumbers Charity by clicking the down arrow next to the current charity you support
  2. Next to the name of your current charity, click Change
  3. Enter The Plumbers Charity and select it
  4. You will now see on the screen next to Supporting, is The Plumbers Charity
  5. Whenever you shop on Amazon start at to ensure all purchases are made via AmazonSmile