The Lord Mayor’s Show 2023

Company News

On Saturday, 11th November 2023, our second year appearing in the Show, our walkers were the Master, Upper Warden, Renter Warden, and Clerk, and we were dressed in WCoP badged blue boilers suits and caps. [Almost unrecognisable out of their gowns!] There was no doubt as to who we were, and we generated a lot of cheers from the crowd and many requests to mend boilers and similar work!

The Lord Mayor, Alderman Prof. Michael Mainelli

New traditions are always worth starting, and it was in 2022 that the Ancient Livery Companies (including us Plumbers) grouped together to take a float in the Lord Mayor’s Show. It is not a float as such, but a space for up to 4 Liverymen to walk in the procession. Dress for the day was agreed as smart day wear with or without gowns, badges, chains and hats or costumes to reflect our craft.

This year, after an energising bap and coffee breakfast at Ironmongers’ Hall, we formed up as one of 85 floats on London Wall and Gresham Street to await the 11am silence and the start of the procession which officially begins at Mansion House.

Show Stewards keeping us, and other floats in order and safe, included: Assistant Martin Shouler, Steward John Wilson, and Steward Jacob Ball.  In the best seats at Mansion House giving us a loud and raucous reception were Past Master Peter and Bridget Rumley, and Senior Steward and Webmaster Philippa Stary:

Along the way, we were cheered on by amongst others, Past Master Dame Fiona Woolf, Liveryman Ken Newnham and his wife Sue, Liveryman Ian Raine and Company Chaplain Father Philip Warner.

A sandwich lunch and refreshments were taken at Carmens’ Hall on Fleet Street where we were able to cheer on all the floats after ours, including many other Livery Companies and friends from the City, after which we were able to process back to Mansion House and dispersal.

Gog and Magog

Given its age and historical connections, it is a humbling privilege to take part in the Lord Mayor’s Show.

Charles Brooks
Upper Warden