Lockdown education in Nepal for
disabled and disadvantaged children

Charity News Company News

Many of you will recall the announcement last July of an Honorary Doctorate for Liverymen Tim Gocher for his work on sustainable development through the creation of the Dolma Impact Fund.


The Principal and team at Highland Boarding School, Dhunche, distributing school books and materials to students’ homes.

The citation, which is attached to the announcement, describes the inspirational work Tim has undertaken to find creative solutions for some of the social and environmental challenges that Nepal faces.  The fund has generated almost 5,000 well paid jobs now spread across Nepal, Kenya, The Dominican Republic and soon the poorest states of Northeast India.  The Dolma Impact Fund fulfils basic human needs through investments in renewable energy and healthcare. Tim has also created and chairs the Dolma Foundation, a wonderful charity that provides education for disabled and disadvantaged children in Nepal.  He has sent in an article on how the charity is continuing with its invaluable work during that country’s Covid-19 lockdown.

Well done Tim for yet another outstanding achievement!