Corporate membership
In addition to individual membership, the Plumbers’ Company is open to a small number of companies (a maximum of 25 at any one time) involved in, or with, the plumbing industry in the UK and overseas.
We are proud to have the following current Corporate Members: click on the logos to visit each company’s website
The Plumbers’ Company is the catalyst that has brought the whole plumbing industry together: manufacturers, merchants, contractors, designers, academics, and industry suppliers – every facet is represented.
What is Corporate Membership?
Corporate Membership enables a Member Company’s senior executives to participate fully in most of the Plumbers’ Company’s many activities.
Other Company Members cover a wide spectrum of interests and professions including engineers, project managers, quantity surveyors, chartered surveyors, scientists, architects, builders, developers, property managers, accountants, lawyers, and many others.
With this broad and diverse membership, the Plumbers’ Company offers something no trade association or professional institution can match: a totally neutral networking environment, in which everyone can, and does, talk to anyone about anything (though most of these conversations seem to have a plumbing theme, naturally). The benefits of these informal contacts have proved themselves time and again.
With our own significant social calendar, we have the ready-made events in some of the best venues in the City of London.
Corporate Membership may be applied for by any company, whether British or international, which is engaged in, or with, the plumbing industry in the United Kingdom and overseas. Corporate applications are brought to the Court of Assistants (the Company’s governing body, which meets four times a year) for assessment and, if approved, for election as a Member.
The Benefits of Corporate Membership
Involvement in the awards and bursaries
We continue to strongly support the craft of plumbing and associated industries. The support of education in particular, at all levels, is a key part of this work and the Plumbers’ Company provides awards to, and bursaries for, students and apprentices of plumbing.
Being able to effectively lobby government
The Plumbers’ Company is a member, and strong supporter of the All Party Parliamentary Water Group and is closely involved in the WaterSafe scheme. These initiatives provide opportunities for the Company to lobby Government on industry matters.
Involvement in our charitable activities
Corporate Members are companies that care about the whole industry, as well as their own businesses, and welcome, enjoy, and benefit from becoming involved in every aspect of the Plumbers’ Company’s activities.
Corporate Liverymen (men and women)
Corporate Members nominate their Chief Executive, or other Senior Executive, and up to one senior director or executive to be listed as Corporate Liverymen Members of the Plumbers’ Company, whilst their company’s membership remains in force. They may be involved to a greater degree by being invited to serve on technical committees or working groups so that expertise can be shared for mutual benefit.
Liverymen (men and women)
The Company assists and encourages Corporate Liverymen to apply for the Freedom of the City of London, so that they become eligible to apply for full personal membership of the Company as Liverymen in their own right.
Names and logos
Corporate Members’ names and logos are listed in relevant Company literature, on the Company’s website and on a prominent display panel at appropriate events.
Industry Lunch
Corporate Members are invited to our exclusive ‘industry’ event, the annual Industry Lunch, when we entertain the Chairmen of the key industry associations.
Annual Banquet
Corporate Liverymen are honoured guests at the Company’s Annual Banquet in the Egyptian Hall in Mansion House.
Annual Lecture and Dinner
Corporate Members are given first options to sponsor and are encouraged to participate in our Annual Lecture — an industry wide event with a prominent speaker attracting nearly 200 guests.
Corporate Hospitality
Corporate Liverymen may bring their own guests (applying for tickets on an equal footing with Liverymen) to Company events organised for the Livery.
The Company’s Coat of Arms
The Company’s Coat of Arms, linked to the words ‘Corporate Member’ as shown below may be used in accordance with the Company’s rules by Corporate Members on their own corporate literature and websites.
Find out more
Please contact the Company Clerk on +44 (0)20 7628 8880, to learn more about the benefits and opportunities afforded by being a Corporate Member.