Inter-Livery Isle of Wight Yacht Regatta 2024
On 17th and 18th May, the Plumbers’ Company sailors enjoyed another great weekend at Cowes, on the Isle of Wight, for the 2024 Inter-Livery Yacht Regatta organised by the City Livery Yacht Club.

Certainly one of the social highlights of the Plumbers’ Year, we all met at the Royal London Yacht Club, Cowes on Friday evening for a buffet supper with the other competitors. An almost record entry of 22 boats had entered, and we were joined by the Lord and Lady Mayoress, Michael and Elizabeth Mainelli on this the 20th Anniversary of the Regatta.
Saturday dawned with the Solent looking like a millpond, and the first race was delayed by 2 hours while we waited for the wind to get up. Nevertheless, we took our boat, Prospero, out for a gentle shake-out of the crew in the light breeze.

We eventually completed a short first race with just enough wind for all the boats to finish.
The second race in the afternoon was set as an extended version of the first race, but once again the wind (or should I say lack of it) got the better of us. The course was shortened half way round because of the ever strengthening infamous tide in the Solent and 3 of the boats even had to retire, unable to reach the finish line. We made it with 3 minutes to spare!
The GPS map below gives a good impression of our “driftings” in both races!

On the second race we were passed by one boat making much better progress than us. This intrepid crew is preparing to row all the way to Antigua! We wished them “Bon Voyage”.
Despite the slow progress, we all had a fun day; the forecast light rain held off and the sun even came out.
Back alongside, we were met by our loyal supporters and we got the traditional gin out! Sadly, Ian Puddick had to pull out just before the weekend, so we couldn’t enjoy Plumbers Gin, but we had a generous measure of a good substitute, as The Master and Mistress Plumber can vouch.

The weekend concluded with a Champagne Reception and Presentation Dinner in the Royal Yacht Squadron, a splendid venue. As ever, the service and quality of the fare was excellent.
We had two tables at the Presentation Dinner, including our “supporters”, Sue Nash, Martin and Frankie Gratte, Ian and Sandra Raine, Kathy Adams, Tony Goodhead and Jane Hodkinson, hosted by the Past Master Baker, Past Commodore of the Royal Yacht Squadron and his wife:
The Lord Mayor was on hand to present the prizes, but sadly none for the Plumbers this year. We finished ninth overall over the two races, but that didn’t dampen our spirit and enjoyment of the weekend.
A huge thank you to Gary Wyngrove for organising our entry in the Regatta, and to Steve Hodkinson for so generously sponsoring our boat, Prospero, which Roger, Gary, Gwen, Janet and Tony sailed over from Lymington and back again. And also to Roger Dunstan who captains the boat each year and keeps us novices safe and shipshape!
Roll-on 2025!
IPM Paul Nash