From our archives: Past Masters’ Lunch
A decade ago on 2nd April 2014, the first Past Masters’ Lunch was held at Wax Chandlers’ Hall with 22 Past Masters in attendance!
Left to right standing: Upper Warden Steve Hodkinson, PM Antony Paterson-Fox, PM Rodney Cartwright, PM Mike Swallow, PM Alec Moir, PM Edward Hopkinson, PM Charles Smith, PM Peter Brunner, PM John Mayfield, PM Mike Samuel, PM Chris Sneath, PM John Lockyer, PM Charles Yuill, Senior Assistant Erica Stary, and Clerk Paul Nash
Left to right seated: PM George Banks, PM Geoff Marsh, Past Consort Patience Thomson accompanying PM David Thomson, Master Nick Gale, PM John Rae, PM Sir John Lea, and PM Jack Jeffery
PM David Thomson was known as the Father of the Company, due to his serving the longest time past the chair.
The total time served on Court by those present was 486 years!
Thank you to Liveryman John Carnaby for sharing this.