Four New Liverymen Admitted in January 2022
We were delighted to admit four new liverymen during our Court meeting and lunch at Armourers’ Hall on 26 January 2022.

Our new liverymen are:
Alison Flint, who joined us ‘virtually’ via Zoom during the lockdown. She is a mature plumbing apprentice from Oldham and sees joining the WCoP as an important part of her career development.
Professor Paola Lettieri is the University College of London (UCL) Professor of Chemical Engineering and Director of Development of the new UCL East site, the former London Olympic Park.
Piers Mizen met Renter Warden David Adams at Exeter University as a fellow student and is Head of Sales to Europe for an investment strategy company.
Daniel Tranter is the first of our military award winners to become a full liveryman. He won the WCoP Army award in 2010 as the best Royal Engineer apprentice and is now their assistant Regimental Career Management Officer.
We welcome them all to the Plumbers and look forward to enjoying their fellowship. They bring a wealth of different experiences and knowledge to our company.