Water Conservators’ October Webinar

17:30 Monday 23rd October 2023.

You are cordially invited to join the Water Conservators’ October Webinar:

Sustainable Resource Management – delivering Net Zero, a sector in transition and the need for new green skills?

Thursday, 23rd October 2023 5.30pm to 6.45pm

Presented by Dr Adam Read Chief External Affairs and Sustainability Officer, SUEZ Recycling & Recovery UK

In this presentation Adam will reflect on the evolving UK waste & resource policy landscape, in particular the progress and implications of Extended Producer Responsibility, Deposit Return Schemes, the Plastic Tax and Consistent Collections reforms on UK waste & resource management solutions and services.

He will identify the scale of the opportunity for the sector to deliver Net Zero solutions both for our sector but also for the sectors we support and identify just what the risks and rewards might be for the sector given the competing interests of other sectors that are ‘going green’.

Please note that to attend the webinar you will need to register first via the Eventbrite link on the flyer, attendance is free. You will then receive a return email from Eventbrite with the zoom joining instructions.

Any problems contact: rob.casey1@hotmail.com.