Vaccinology Tales – an on-line lecture
Liveryman Dr Tony Lockett, an expert member on the UK COVID challenge ethics committee, will reveal many of the secrets behind what is undoubtedly the single biggest news story of 2020. Thursday 28th January 2021 at 6:00pm.
From an early age, Tony wanted a career in acting, which is why he became a Doctor and an educationalist. Tutored in London – not least by Past Master Professor Rodney Cartwright – Tony settled into a career in tropical then pharmaceutical medicine. He has held various posts in the pharmaceutical industry, including Pfizer GSK and the NIH. Dreaming of retirement and growing Dahlias he was abruptly awoken and pressed into service when COVID-19 came along. He is currently involved in three new COVID treatments and is an expert member on the UK COVID challenge ethics committee.
In the Coronavirus dominated world of 2020, have you ever stopped to wonder where the Covid-19 vaccine has come from and what happens in vaccine development to get them ready for use? In this expose, Tony Lockett will reveal many of the secrets behind what is undoubtedly the single biggest news story of this year. Secrets such as how an illicit relationship nearly prevented the Flu vaccine from reaching the shelves in 2010 and the unexpected role Semtex and Marzipan play in the history of vaccines. In this foray into the very real world of science, Tony will not only explain the phases of vaccine development but reassure us that whilst mostly things go well, not everything in vaccine research always goes smoothly. This lecture promises to be a lively, informative and sometimes irreverent tour through a subject that all of us will have a personal interest in.
The lecture will be introduced by the Master and last around 45 minutes after which there will be a short opportunity for questions and ad hoc discussion.
To attend this free event, simply email the Clerk who will send a Zoom link nearer the date;
I hope to see you for what promises to be a fascinating Zoom event.
Adrian Mumford