Masters’ & Clerks’ Lunch 2023
The Master, Wardens, and Court of Assistants invite you to join them for lunch in the splendid surroundings of the Carpenters’ Hall on Throgmorton Avenue on Wednesday 26th April at 1230hr for 1300hr.

Our guest speaker will be Fran Findlater OBE, the founder and CEO of the Bounce Back Foundation charity and social enterprise, which the Plumbers’ Charity supports through the linked City of London No-Going-Back pan-Livery initiative: an innovative programme of training, support, employment and housing funding for individuals on release from prison, it gels perfectly with the theme for Master Paul Nash’s year of education and training, particularly for those who need a helping hand.
We will be joined by Masters and Clerks from at least eight other Livery Companies, and welcoming six new Liverymen to be clothed that morning with their partners.
The cost of the reception (with sparkling wine from Devon) and three-course luncheon with wines and vintage port is £99 per head.
Dress is lounge suit or equivalent, with Livery Badges.
Liverymen are welcome to bring guests to this event.
Please apply no later than Wednesday 19th April.
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