Court Lunch/Masters and Clerks

12:45 Tuesday 24th April 2018.

Join the Master, Wardens and members of Court for a splendid lunch in Apothecaries’ Hall when we will also welcome and host the Masters and Clerks from our fellow livery companies.    

The Master, Wardens and Court of Assistants will host our Company’s second “Masters and Clerks” luncheon, in the splendid surroundings of Apothecaries’ Hall, to which we have invited the Masters and Clerks of other Livery Companies with whom we enjoy a particularly close relationship. We are fortunate that Sheriff Neil Redcliffe has agreed to be our guest speaker.

The lunch follows the regular Court meeting and all Liverymen are cordially invited to attend. Partners will be most welcome too. It will be a splendid opportunity to meet and socialise with many of our fellow Livery Companies. 

Apothecaries Hall is a Grade I listed building in Black Friars Lane, London. It is the headquarters of the Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of London, one of the livery companies of the City of London. It is one of the largest livery companies (with over 1,600 members in 2012) and ranks 58th in their order of precedence. The building, originally part of the Dominican priory of Black Friars, was called Cobham House prior to its purchase by the society in 1632.

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