Court Lunch
The Master and Wardens and Court of Assistants invite you to join them for lunch in the magnificent surroundings of the Armourers’ Hall on Wednesday 26th January 2022 at 1230hr for 1300hr.

The Armourers are at 81 Coleman Street, on the corner with London Wall and close to Moorgate station.
Our guest speaker will be Liveryman Sarah Oliver MCIPHE – an ‘on the tools’ plumber. Sarah fixes things that are broken and installs things that weren’t there before. And all around the school hours of her two boys: “there are days when the joints hurt and the face is filthy, but it’s a wonderful, satisfying and altruistic career”. Sarah will be talking about her experience as a woman in plumbing, ways in which access to the trade of plumbing can be improved and how the Company and CIPHE can promote these ideas.
At the meeting of the Court and the lunch, we will be welcoming five new Liverymen and their partners, all joining us for lunch and presenting our award to the top Royal Navy apprentices of 2020 and 2021.
The cost of the reception and three-course luncheon with wines is £85 per head. Dress is lounge suit or equivalent with Livery Badges. Liverymen are welcome to bring guests to this event.
Booking and payment is via the website: payment can be made by bank transfer (sort 16-00-15, a/c 23161144) no later than Thursday 20th January.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Adrian Mumford
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