Eileen Tipping, age 95, becomes our most senior member!
Just prior to our Court Lunch at the RAF Club on Tuesday, 17th January, a unique Member was welcomed into our Livery:
Read Master Paul Nash’s welcoming speech on the day:
“Eileen, can I say how delighted we are to welcome you as our newest Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Plumbers. I know you’ve been coming along to many of our events for quite some time with your son Malvern, our Senior Steward, and we are honoured that you have chosen to formally join us.
You do in fact, at age 95, become the most senior of all our Members, of whatever category, and at the same time our most junior Member, at what 30 seconds since you joined. I think it is probably true to say that holding those joint positions is a first in our 658 year history, and I doubt it will ever be broken. We look forward to seeing you at many more events and functions to come.”
Warm congratulations Eileen!