Coronation Planters in full bloom #PMWT
Immediate Past Master Paul Nash is delighted to report that the two planters the Company presented to King Charles III and Queen Camilla to celebrate Their Coronation are in full bloom.
The IPM has just returned from a family holiday in North Norfolk, which included a visit to Sandringham, and said the planters are looking excellent.
The Coronation Planters, made at the Plumbing Museum and Workshop Trust at Amberley Museum, feature the royal cyphers of Their Majesties.
For King Charles III, his cypher consists of a stylised Tudor Crown, below which are the intertwining initials “C” and “R” for Charles and Rex, the Latin for king, and his regnal number “III” in the middle of the “R”.
For Queen Camilla, her cypher also incorporates a stylised Tudor Crown, below which are intertwined “C” for Camilla and “R” for Regina, the Latin for queen.