Coronation Planters – a documentary film

Company News PMWT

We’re delighted to launch this short documentary film that describes the design and manufacture of the two large planters to commemorate the coronation of Their Majesties the King and Queen, and installed at Sandringham House. Watch it on our Videos About Us page.

The Lead Planters have been made by our volunteers at the Plumbing Museum and Workshop Trust at Amberley Museum, using the traditional methods of lead casting and welding.

The Lead Planters identical in size, but one carries the coat of arms of the King:

And the other carries the coat of arms of the Queen.

The project is a collaboration between the Worshipful Company of Gardeners and our Company, and is particularly appropriate because the King is an Honorary Gardener, and the Queen is an Honorary Plumber.

L-R Jon Richards, Alain Cockburn, Peter Cheesman, Eddie McCourt, Jason Clark, Steve Hodkinson

Enjoy the film!

Past Master Steve Hodkinson

You may also find the film on our YouTube channel:

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