Brigantes Programme for 2021

City News

Do you live outside London “up north” and would like to join in some more local events?  The Brigantes, the City of London Liverymen in the North, has just published details of its post-lockdown programme for 2021 and how to join if you are interested.

Dear Clerk

The Chairman and Committee of Brigantes trust that you are keeping in good health and looking forward to the long-awaited easing of restrictions

I have pleasure in forwarding the latest 2021 Brigantes Calendar and should be most grateful if you would forward it to your Master and to any of your Liverymen who either live in the North or have Northern affiliations.

As the prospects for the coming year start to improve, the Calendar provides revised dates and locations for the 2021 Brigantes Golf Day and 2021 Brigantes Breakfast, virus regulations permitting. Of necessity both events have had to be delayed from our normal timing. Full details and booking forms for the two events will be circulated in April and May, respectively.

Since Brigantes was formed in 2014, a prerequisite for Brigantes participation as a subscribing member or non-subscribing supporter is to be clothed in the Livery of a City of London Company, or Member of the Company of Parish Clerks or the Company of Watermen and Lightermen, and of good standing. If you know of Liveryman who may be interested in receiving Brigantes circulars, please would you suggest they contact me at

Committee (*denotes Past Master)

Adrian Waddingham CBE (Past Sheriff, Actuary*, Haberdasher) Chairman, Nick Gale* (Plumber, Lancashire) and David Bentley* (Baker, Yorkshire) Vice Chairman West and East respectively, Neville Chamberlain CBE* (Fueller, Cheshire), Sue Christensen (Master Tax Adviser, Greater Manchester), Sheila Turner* (Framework Knitter, Yorkshire), Dr Mike Howse CBE (Engineer, Yorkshire), Keith Houliston (Baker, Yorkshire)

Dates for your Diary:

Brigantes Golf Day – Ganton YO12 4PA : Wednesday 4 August 2021

Brigantes Breakfast – Leyburn DL8 5SG : Tuesday 24 August 2021

AGM & Winter Gathering – TBA : December 2021

With best wishes

Fiona Robinson
Brigantes Administrator


We take your privacy seriously and will only use any personal information that is shared with us to communicate with you and to arrange events that maintain and promote the fellowship we all enjoy. More detail on how we handle your data is available on request to