Are there keen dinghy sailors in the Company?

Inter-Livery News

An interest has been expressed by several Livery Companies for the running of a sailing regatta for those involved in the Livery movement. The purpose of this announcement is to establish whether there is enough interest to take this further.

The Ironmongers Company began running a regatta for the Great Twelve Livery Companies twenty years ago in Seaview on the Isle of Wight: “The Great Twelve Sailing Challenge“. It was restricted to just those 12 companies because Sea View Yacht (SYYC) had 12 matched Mermaid yachts, and the numbers fitted. We believe that with some reorganisation we can organise an event for up to 26 Livery Companies or Ward Clubs for some competitive sailing but first need to gauge the level of interest.

Our proposal is that we run a regatta in Sea View Yacht Club Mermaids on 7th or 21st September 2024. These yachts will be sailed by a crew by four over two races. We plan to have a supper party on the Friday evening preceding the sailing, and a prizegiving and dinner on the Saturday after the racing. Supporters and guests are very welcome. The cost for crew members will be £75 each. There is an additional cost of £75 for supper, the reception and dinner for both sailors and supporters. We have struck a good deal with SVYC and we believe that that will represent good value. We are therefore inviting Livery Companies or Ward Clubs to tell us if potentially they are interested.

We should also point out that the City Livery Yacht Club run a very successful regatta for those Liverymen who have a yacht of their own, due to take place on 18th May.

We have already sounded out a number of Companies who have expressed an interest, so we would be most grateful you or any member of your Company reply to me as soon as possible please as time is short!

Best wishes,

George Bastin