Apprentice, Journeyman and Master Plumber Certificates
Ongoing education and developments of skills is strongly encouraged. In partnership with the CIPHE and City & Guilds there is an active programme with over 250 Master Plumber certificates having been awarded. The route to achieving this accolade can be found here.
Inspired by the development of a Master Plumber Certificate in 2001 by our own Past Master Geoff Marsh MBE, the Master Certificate Scheme has now been developed across a range of Livery Companies and at this year’s presentation of certificates in Glaziers’ Hall by the Lord Mayor Alderman Charles Bowman no fewer than 38 individuals were recognised. Master of the Worshipful Company of Plumbers, Robert Burgon, introduced the three candidates to be awarded Master Plumber Certificates in 2018 – David Gammage, John Hamilton Murray and Tyrone Tash – and asking them to accept the charge which accompanies their awards before they stepped forward to receive their framed certificates from the Lord Mayor. Past Master Geoff Marsh was also present to see the awards accompanied by his wife Ann