All The Faithful Came
It was no Silent Night at the Plumbers’ Carol Service in our Company Church of St Magnus the Martyr

A record number of Plumbers, their families and guests came together for the annual Carol Service on Tuesday 10 December. After mulled wine and mince pies, our Company Chaplain, the Reverend Philip Warner, led the service accompanied by the excellent St Magnus choir and organist John Eady.
With six carols, three recitals from the choir and readings by the Master, Peter Rumley, Wardens Nick Jones and Paul Nash, Immediate Past Master Fiona Woolf, Senior Steward Clive Sofaer and the Clerk, the service concluded with our Clerk, Adrian Mumford, also an accomplished musician and organist, playing the last hymn, “Hark the Herald Angels Sing” and a recital of “Toccata sur un Noel” by Denis Bedard.
As always the event was beautifully organised and run by our Stewards, with help on the evening from Past Steward Ian Smith, Patience his wife, Nick Frost Steward Damon Reynolds partner, Liveryman Luke Peters and of course not forgetting Adrian our Clerk and Sharon from the office.
The evening concluded as we all enjoyed more refreshments and a delicious buffet in the church. This is a lovely “Plumbers’ family” occasion that starts the festive season in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all.