A Message From the Master
In light of the unfolding tragedy in Ukraine, the Master has sent a message to us all and we have received a note from the City Livery Committee.

Dear Liverymen
The continuing tragedy unfolding in Ukraine is heart breaking. Each day lives are shattered and Ukrainians forced to abandon peaceful lives in the face of devastation. May I encourage you to show fellowship by making a donation to one of the charities supporting both the refugees and those trying to survive within the war torn country.
You may want to make a contribution through:
A. The Disasters Emergency Committee – DEC (comprising 15 leading aid charities such as The Red Cross and Oxfam) Link:
B. UNICEF (with a special focus on the 7.5 million Ukrainian children) Link:
Let us hope that a negotiated solution can be found in the very near future so that Ukrainians can rebuild their country and get back to a peaceful life.
Nick Jones
Master Worshipful Company of Plumbers
The note from the City Livery Committee reads as follows:
Support for Ukraine’s People
The Livery Committee have been asked about ways in which The Livery might assist with the on-going disaster in Ukraine. It is not for the Committee to ever dictate policy and therefore we wondered if it would be helpful to make you aware of what some have done. Following contact with International Aid organisations, The City of London Corporation have made a donation. Having considered a number of options, they have supported The UNICEF Appeal as the Charity already has presence in the country and is providing Aid to Children and families impacted by the crisis.
Another option is the Disasters Emergency Committee which we understand brings 15 of the leading aid charities together to help with a disaster as quickly and efficiently as possible. They have presence on the ground in Ukraine through the charities involved and the UK Government will match pound-for-pound up to £20 million donated by the public to this appeal. The website is www.dec.org.uk.
There are of course many more options available, both locally and nationally, the choice is yours.
We hope this helps,
Kind regards,
Dep. Philip Woodhouse CC Chairman,
The Livery Committee